Welcome to Depth Therapy, my private practice for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Depth psychotherapy is built on a blend of old wisdom and the most current neuroscience. Depth psychology is based on the premise that there are unconscious forces which may constrict our ability to think, feel, choose, work, and love. The most current research in cognitive neuroscience and attachment reinforces these principles and tells us how the brain is wired based on our emotional experiences with other people. These important and defining relationships teach our brains what to expect from the world, shape how we perceive ourselves and others, and influence our choices and behaviors.
Depth psychotherapy involves shining the light of consciousness on these areas of our selves so that we may be open to new experiences and live more fully and authentically. Because our brains are wired (and rewired!) in relationships, the relationship with the therapist is a crucial element in the therapy. The therapist offers a confidential and private setting which facilitates a process where unconscious patterns can unfold and be reflected upon. Therapy involves meeting regularly for 50 minutes to explore the inner world through the use of collaborative exploration of past and present relationships and experience in order to increase insight, awareness and integration.
Depth therapy is an appropriate treatment for people seeking to understand and change emotional and relational problems to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, relationship and sexual conflicts, compulsive behaviors, and professional or creative blocks. I also specialize in the treatment of children and adults recovering from trauma, loss, and addiction. However, depth therapy is not limited to those with mental health issues. Many people who experience loss of meaning in their lives or who are seeking a greater sense of freedom, fulfillment, and authenticity benefit from depth psychotherapy.
Please visit my short, free video course which explains how Depth Therapy works.